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Honda Clarity Fuel Cell arrives for HyFIVE project

The first of Honda’s Clarity Fuel Cell cars have arrived in the UK, as part of the Hydrogen for Innovative Vehicles (HyFIVE) demonstration project.

The first first six of Honda’s 'most advanced' zero emissions vehicle will be based in London and Copenhagen as part of the HyFIVE project, partly funded by the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCHJU).

The HyFIVE project aims to promote the awareness and adoption of fuel cell vehicle technology and infrastructure across Europe. Once deployment is completed, 185 Fuel Cell Vehicles from five automotive manufacturers will be with private and corporate customers across Austria, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Sweden and UK.

The new zero emissions Clarity is the first fuel cell saloon to house the entire stack underneath the bonnet, making the cabin spacious enough to carry five occupants. A recent US Environment Protection Agency (EPA) test measured an effective range of 366 miles, greater than any other production zero emissions vehicle, says Honda.

Thomas Brachmann, Chief Project Engineer, Honda Research and Development and leader of Honda’s Clarity Fuel Cell programme in Europe, said: ‘Honda has always been one of the leaders in the field of hydrogen fuel cell technology, with over 30 years of research and development behind us. The arrival of these vehicles in Europe and Honda’s participation in HyFIVE is the next step towards Honda’s vision of the full commercialisation of this technology.’

Honda president Takahiro Hachigo recently announced that two thirds of the company's global sales will feature an electrified powertrain by 2030.