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Google Home now interacts with Mercedes cars

Mercedes-Benz has announced the integration of Google’s Assistant function on ‘Google Home’ - the voice-activated personal assistant.

The collaboration will make it possible to interact with your car from home, and is part of Mercedes’ long-term goal of creating an ‘intelligent ecosystem around cars’ using cutting-edge technology to make everyday life more convenient.

With this integration, Google Home users can send destination to their Mercedes Cars; set and activate heating and cooling systems within their vehicles; find out fuel and charge levels; check lock status as well as interact with their cars in order to lock doors if needs be for example.
Mercedes is one of the first Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to combine the Google Assistant on Google Home with their vehicles, and signals a further step forward in the company's connectivity strategy.

"In the last decade, we've seen a range of benefits when smart technology is combined with transportation," said Sajjad Khan, vice president of digital vehicle & mobility at Daimler. "This newest integration shows just how intelligent the car of the future will be, and we plan to roll out more applications as the year progresses that will make daily life even more accessible and convenient."

The new feature will be available to Mercedes customers in early 2017.