News, Quirky

I-Spy still top dog on long car journeys

Motor Codes, the government-backed consumer watchdog for the automotive industry, has commissioned research to find out the best activity to keep children busy on long car journeys.

The YouGov poll of over 2,000 British adults revealed that a classic game of I-Spy is still top trumps during the holiday getaway, named by over 60% of those surveyed as the best way for grabbing the kids' attention.

Nearly half (44%) of those questioned stated a preference for having a sing-along and reading story books, whereas just over 40% of people would resort to puzzles including word searches and crosswords.

Conversely, the study showed that, despite the abundance of smartphones, apps and tablets in daily life, a handheld device is seen as one of the least popular choices to stave off the boredom and restlessness of those in the back. Just under a third of individuals would reach for one, with women even less likely (29%) to put one in the hands of young family members.

Amongst the activities asked about in the survey, giving little ones snacks and drinks to pass the time ranked lowest in the list at 28%.

Commenting on the study, Bill Fennell, Managing Director of Motor Codes, said: “The results clearly point to the fact that regardless of all the technology that that we now have to hand, families still prefer to go back to basics and use activities that have ruled car journeys for years. A bit of imagination, some good reading material and a few carefully selected tunes, are tipped as the best ways to avoid the frequently asked “are we there yet?” when clocking up the miles on holiday.”

The study was carried out to mark the launch of the motoring body’s summer social media prize draw competition to win a £250 fuel voucher. To enter click here